Camel's List of Links They Found

Last updated: 2024-12-10

Website Description Tags
Peelo Paalu Directory Super cool website that inspired this website. So many things. moar websites
Da Hog Zone H O G weird
Wii Shop Channel Wii Shop Replica, makes me happi games, nostalgia, cool
Wolfmann Museum of Art Museum in space, things to discover favourite
No Hello NO HELLO funny
Artwork - Graphics Cute graphics from a website called "Artwork" graphics Honestly don't know what this is yet, too busy to figure out cool
VT100 Terminal Reproduction Cool reproduction of retro computer cool
Bosca Ceoil Open-source, easy to use music maker (8-bit style) cool, resources
Jstris Online multiplayer tetris game favourite, games
jeff's pizza companion THANKS FOR YOUR HELP PIZZA PADDLE weird world's largest machine tool reference archive!? cool
lazy gamer reviews prompt some sorta command prompt cool
Black People Love Us what the hell is this lmao weird, funny
Learnabout Electronics org educational, robotics team recommended to me resources
Learn CW (Morse Code) Online learn morse code by rhythm rather than remembering the dits/dahs! resources
Smooth Tone Clickless CW Sidetone Generator Donated to me by my beloved resources, cool, ham
AC6V Ham Radio website with so much info, activates chemicals resources, cool, ham
ham one of the most glorious ham websites on the web resources, cool, ham
Eutetic Phase Diagram stare at it until you understand resources
Randoma11y Get random, accessible color combinations resources
PKM Zettelkasten Zettelkasten wiki from the reddit resources
Open Steno Project free thing to make steno accessible to everyone resources, cool
Type learn to type by copying books (+in different languages) resources
using CSS to create a CRT title resources
my 90s TV watch 90s tv shows/advertisements cool
Codex Seraphinianus a codex of a world that doesn't exist + eye fish weird, cool
Les petits Riens qui font du bien et qui ne coƻtent rien ! mental health
Word Sprints motivational thing in browser to reach your word count for writing (books, essay, wtv) resources make generators (very addicting) cool
Ontario's Ghost Road !?!!? idk what this is why do i have this link weird, cool draw things together with friends games, resources
The Slide Rule Universe (Sphere Research) everything about slide rules, buy slide rules, BEAUTIFUL WEBSITE favourite, cool, resources
Into the Comet slide rule porn yes learn everything there is to know about antennas resources ham
Doi to Bib DO YOUR REPORTS IN LATEX!!!!!!!! (bib citation helpingness) resources
Mechanical Engineering Components Mechanical engineering components! engineering
Engineering Design and Technology Random website I found with lots of engineeering stuff engineering
MAKING A SLIDE RULE Person MAKES a slide rule, I'm going to attempt this myself resources, cool
History of Computing Bro has a hobby of collecting calculators/vintage computing contraptions, i wanna be like him favourite, cool
AMS explains The Planimeter Planimeters are so cOOL resources, cool
Bates College LaTeX lessons A good intro to LaTeX (>:3) resources
College Maths Journal A closer look at the compensating polar planimeter resources
1938 Manual for Planimeters We had to use this to figure out some details of our vintage planimeter resources
OKAY Synth A cool 3D Printed synth made by some guy (giving me some ideas for future project) cool
building a generator Person builds a generator with 3D printing. cool
RS-232 Tutorial Control LEDs with your computer using RS232 cool
GNUPLOT (?) Website with information about gnuplot that I found really cute for some reason (by Toshihiko Kawano) resources
Mr T Ate My Balls Mr T ate my balls funny
Hidden Danger of Dams Research Article An article published by The Journal of Dam Safety cool
Mesh Analysis Learn about mesh analysis (includes supermesh!!!!) resources
Scarleteen Learn about sex/sexuality/gender, very inclusive, includes info abt lots of different perspectives. resources
Learn Physics!!!! Susan Rigetti - So You Want to Learn Physics (very thorough!) resources
Learn Physics!!!! 2.0 Wait they have an updated version oops resources
Fluid Dynamics and Hyperbolic Equations ONE DAY ILL UNDERSTAND U resources
The CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Salivating at the mouth engineering
ANALYTICAL DYNAMICS JUICY ass textbook about analytical dynamics by Haim Baruh resources
Applications of Laplace Transform in Engineering Fields Paper that talks about the basedness of LAPLACE engineering
Effect of Fuel Injector Type on Performance and Emissions of Rerverse-Flow Combustor Yes resources
The Lagrangian Method Yes resources
An Intro. To CFD An intro to CFD, something I really wanna learn! resources
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures My friend said "if you're bored look at this thing I found" cool, resources
The Diesel Shop COOL WEBSITE ABOUT LOCOMOTIVES cool, resources
Blue Eyes - Masaru Imada Trio (1979) Jazz from japan cool, music
The Valve Museum FUCK YEAH ELECTRONIC VALVES HIEPRUTHPIDUHR resources, engineering
Maxwell's Equations Everyone knows about the maxwell's equations website, so should you resources, math, engineering
Trammel of Archimedes Yes resources
NASA Graphics Standards I wanted to recreate this with LaTeX but didn't have skill cool
NASA History Series SO MANY BOOKS ON DIFFERENT TOPICS (for example the next entry below) cool
Project Mercury a Chronology Cool info about the different stages of the project cool
Cope With Academic Failure WikiHow article on How to Copeha with Academic Failure funny
...Flat Earth Wiki I am a flat earth daddy (pls im joking don't think im a crazy person) funny, weird
UAP Guide A 15-minute introduction to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) (I had a phase) weird, cool
UFO Cases Wiki!??! Ufology website this is crazy (lowkey looks cool) weird, cool
Hexamryiakaipentachiliapentahectokaitriacontakaiheptagon funny, math
Banglapedia An encyclopedia for Bangladesh! cool
char42* someone's really cool personal website, they like star trek and have user boxes cool
Kale Kale person's got userboxes and a cool website so I link resources, cool
Graph from adjency matrix As described resources, math
Bellman-Ford Algorithm Tf is this? I'm not an ECE engineer !!! resources, math
Alex the Lion is Gay... Alex the lion is gay (analysis) funny
COW Cow programming language fun, funny, cool
ArnoldC Arnold Schwarzenegger programming language fun, funny, cool
What colour is your aura? Find out. fun, funny
Avril Lavigne Replacement Conspiracy Theory I genuinely believed this for some reason, I thought she died weird, funny
Solar Punk Manifesto I am oddly fascinated interesting
Dudeism Get ordained as a dudeist priest?????? funny, weird
Wealth Shown to Scale A website that shows wealth shown to scale and you scroll and stuff interesting, cool
Matias NSFW This is totally NSFW!!!! Trust me!!!!! heheh
Learn electrical engineering From the learn anything website engineering
npm fuck you A rage-y way of killing yo processes. fun, funny
Bullshit boutique I like their website, also fashion interesting
Diagonal Scroll??! By Joey Milanes (def will use later) resources, cool
Notris Apparently like tetris friends, have yet to try it though. fun
Sam Zeloof HE MAKES HIS OWN CHIPS. AND HAS SEM's. Living my dream life cool, resources
Jeri Ellsworth Makes Semiconductors SHE'S RLY RLY COOL AND MAKES THEM !!!! cool, resources
Gone With The Blastwave Webcomic about funny soldiers doing stupid stuff. funny, comic
Measure Biology Lots of random wikis I think resources, physics
KE4QDM's Slide Rule Manual Inspired by Neville W Young, in PDF format with different chapters resources, slide rules
KE4QDM's Rock-Mite Expedition Web Page Cool ham radio website with resources resources, slide rules
Tish Murtha A website in memory of Tish Murtha, a cool photographer (gonna see her documentary) cool
The Great Magnet, the Earth Cute NASA website about magnetism and earth magnetism physics
Chi Pheo and Other Stories Vietnamese short stories cool
Zine Crisis Mutual Assistance Group Funny & helpful zine website resources, funny
Low Tech Magazine Solar Powered Website They make their whole website powered on solar cool, resources
Beginner Satellite Primer!!! AMSAT's guide to making SATELLITES HEHEH resources, ham
Rail System Stuff about rail systems cool
Compliant Mechanisms A handbook about compliant mechanisms. resources
Large Acrylic Domes I guess there's an industry for making acrylic domes? random resources
Gay history and literature I found this random website when looking up if schumann was gay and i found his gay love letters gay
Neuromech's of a Button Press "To press a button, a finger must push down and pull up with the right force and timing" facts engineering
Greg Beaucage and Research Group Page Really cool random materials engineering resources i used for a lab one time engineering
Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes Random book i found when researching about engineering
STEAM POWER CYCLE small page about steam power cycles engineering
ASM Handbook An edition of the ASM handbook on steel heat treatment processes i used for a lab once engineering
PYroMat An epic python library that carried my thermo project, thank you Chris. R. Martin! engineering